Course Category: MATHEMATICS
Student should be able to: 1. Solve problems using Pythagoras Theorem 2. Solve problems involving Sine, Cosine and Tangent in right angled triangles. 3. Solve problems involving the calculation of lengths, angles and angles of elevation and depression. 4. Apply the use of trigonometric ratios of special angles to solve simple problems. 5. Draw graphs …
At the end of this lesson you should be able to: 1. Approximate numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand , million, billion etc. 2. Determine the accuracy of results. 3. Calculate the percentage error of a result or measurement. 4. Apply approximation to every day life. 5. Solve practical problems on approximation.
Data Presentation
Students should be able to: . 1. Collect tabulate and present data in meaningful form. 2. Construct frequency tables. 3. Identify and draw different types of linear graphs and bar -charts. 4. Draw histograms with equal and unequal sides. 5. Differentiate between bar-charts and histograms.
Indices (Complete)
At the end of this course students should be able to: (1) solve problems on standard form (2) Represent indices and give examples using standard notation and (3) Identify indices as a shorthand notation of the standard form. (5) solve problems of indicial equations
Sets Theory (Free)
At the end of this course students should be able to: 1. Define set 2. Use set notations 3. Identify types of sets 4. Carry out set operations 5. Draw, interpret and use venn diagrams 6. Apply the use venn diagrams in solving real life problems.